Donations & Scholarships

Your donations mean more than you know!

Through Prakrti, I strive to ensure Ayurveda and Yoga is accessible to everyone. If a student truly desires a service they are unable to afford, a scholarship might be awarded if I feel they qualify. Scholarship considerations require an interview in person or within the Virtual Wellness Studio.

Additionally, I provide services to several community programs on a volunteer basis because I believe in the Sister Sciences’ healing benefits and know they change lives. To the best of my ability, I will continue to serve God and my community in this way.

Finally, in memory of my oldest son, Christopher, a portion of donations are also presented to National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

If you have benefited in even the slightest of ways from your own practices and would like to Pay It Forward, your donations go a long way in helping me help others heal and change the quality of their lives.

Thank you for helping Prakrti continue to offer scholarships, volunteer services, and raise awareness!